Start a business: support for young entrepreneurs

Advice and support for young entrepreneurs


Getting the right support is central to making your business a success. Don't wait until you have set up your business to ask for help. The planning stage is crucial and there is a lot of help available that is tailored to the needs of young entrepreneurs.

1. Go Succeed

Access free start-up business support from your local council. If you have a great idea but you're not sure how to turn it into a business, or you have already started out in business and require mentorship on your next steps, Go Succeed Start experts will help you to create a business plan, seek funding and put all the foundations in place to get your business up and running.

Complete a short enquiry form(link is external) or call 0800 027 0639 to register for this free advice and guidance.

2. Shell LiveWIRE

The Shell LiveWIRE Smarter Future Programme aims to support young, innovative entrepreneurs to meet the ever-increasing energy and resource needs of a fast-growing population.

The award is open to any entrepreneur aged 16-30 who has been trading for less than a year, or is looking to start trading in the next 6 months, and has an idea that addresses the UK's future transport, energy, or natural resource challenges, or makes our urban environments cleaner and more sustainable places to work and live in.

Find out more and apply now.(link is external)

3. AdvantageNI

Advantage specialises in economic development and entrepreneurship for young people. The organisation works with clients in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, applying their expertise to promote starting a business as a realistic and viable career option to young people aged 16-30.

Through their programmes they engage with 20,000 young people in Northern Ireland each year and can offer each one individual, bespoke information, advice and guidance on starting, running and growing a business(link is external).

4.The King's Trust

The King's Trust NI can help 18-30 year-olds who are unemployed or in part-time work and are interested in starting a business. You can apply to them for a low interest loan. The Trust also offers free legal advice and many other support services. Find out how the King's Trust can help you start your business(link is external).

5. The SWEF Enterprise Fund

The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland, in partnership with the SWEF Enterprise Fund, supports 18-30 year-olds to access investments they could not otherwise afford.
Grants of up to £2,000 can be used for equipment, materials, product development, stock for a new product line and one-off costs. 

Find out more and submit your application(link is external).

6. Northern Ireland business support finder

The Northern Ireland business support finder is a searchable database that can help you find publicly-funded and not-for-profit sources of business growth assistance you may be eligible to apply for. Support may be available in a number of forms, including financial assistance and free or subsidised advice services. Search the NI business support finder.

7. My New Business

My New Business is a free online service that covers everything you need to plan, start and run a business. It has videos and tools, plus other learning resources - like tutorials and case studies. All of them are aimed at helping people like you get your business started.

It also includes checklists that cover everything from coming up with a strong business idea and developing it, to identifying and reaching your customers to turn that idea into a successful business. See My New Business.

  • Start a business Helpline
    0800 027 0639