Start a business: support for young entrepreneurs



If you are 30 or under and thinking about starting a business, you are classed as a young entrepreneur.

Having your own business means your future is in your hands. Your chances of business success will be boosted if you get the right support and can talk to people who understand the needs of young entrepreneurs and can guide you in the early days of your business. There are several organisations that exist specifically to support young entrepreneurs.

This guide is specifically for young entrepreneurs and includes guidance on how to find and develop a business idea, as well as outlining some challenges for young entrepreneurs. It will also help you to identify and access advice and support for young entrepreneurs.

Free business start-up support

Access free start-up business support from your local council. If you have a great idea but you're not sure how to turn it into a business, or you have already started out in business and require mentorship on your next steps, Go Succeed Start experts will help you to create a business plan, seek funding and put all the foundations in place to get your business up and running.

Complete a short enquiry form(link is external) or call 0800 027 0639 to register for this free advice and guidance.

  • Start a business Helpline
    0800 027 0639