Business rates: the basics

How Land & Property Services uses your information


Land & Property Services (LPS) fully complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Department of Finance's Data Protection Policy. This means that how LPS collect, store, use, and disclose/share the information you provide to them meets the standards of this legislation.

Reasons why LPS collates and holds customer information

  • For the purpose of billing
  • Collection and recovery of rate revenue
  • Assessment of benefit/relief claims
  • The creation and maintenance of Valuation Lists
  • The Land Registration Public Register

LPS and the National Fraud Initiative

LPS has a duty to protect public funds and to this end may use the information provided for the prevention and detection of fraud.

LPS participates in the National Fraud Initiative, an exercise that matches electronic data within and between audited bodies to prevent and detect fraud.

The use of data by the Audit Commission does not require the consent of the individuals concerned under the Data Protection Act 2018. However, it is controlled to ensure compliance with data protection and human rights legislation.

For more information contact LPS or Tel 0300 200 7801.