National Clearance Hub

Queried entries to the National Clearance Hub


If you used the CHIEF system

The National Clearance Hub may query a declaration that has been selected for a check. You should respond to this query through the method you used to submit your declaration.

This makes sure the National Clearance Hub know the query has been answered and should prevent delays. If you do not respond through the method you used to submit your declaration, there will be delays to your clearance.

If a query means that you need to change a declaration, you must submit a copy of the amended declaration.

If your declaration has been amended and has a Route 3 ICS22 status. HMRC must manually clear the goods. You will need to complete your declaration the same as a Route 1 declaration and you should submit documents about your goods to the National Clearance Hub. You’ll need a separate header for each declaration if you submitted by email.

If you used the Customs Declaration Service

If a query is raised by the National Clearance Hub about your goods the query will be sent to your secure inbox on the online service, which is accessed from upload documents and get messages for the Customs Declaration Service(link is external).

Responding to queries through the secure 2-way messaging should prevent any delays which would occur if you do not reply.

If you need to change an import declaration following a query, then you will need to send an amendment to change your declaration.

If you need to cancel an import entry declaration you need to request cancellation with reason for request for the National Clearance Hub to approve.

This does not apply to Pre-Lodged declarations that have not been arrived.

If you need to change an export declaration following a query, you must check with your software provider that they have the functionality to allow this. If your provider cannot do this, you will need to cancel and resubmit your declaration.

  • NCH Enquiry Line
    0300 322 7900