How to move goods by air

Security for airfreight


Air cargo originating in the United Kingdom must be subject to security checks to ensure that it does not contain prohibited articles such as explosives or anything capable of causing fire. The cargo can be screened using a number of different techniques by a regulated agent or by a known shipper.

You should ask your freight forwarder how much extra time to factor into your delivery promises to allow for security procedures at airports.

To become a known shipper your business needs to be accredited by an inspector approved by the DfT. Once accredited, your consignments (subject to controls) can be treated as known cargo and not ordinarily subject to other security vetting before being loaded onto the aircraft. The known shipper regime isn't mandatory.

Alternatively, you can remain an unknown shipper. Your cargo must be treated as unknown and will be screened either by a regulated agent (freight forwarder) or the airline in question before being loaded.

Find information about how to become a known consignor(link is external).

The DfT issues a consignment security certificate to known consignors following training(link is external).