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How and when do I submit my Intrastat return?
Guidance on completing the Intrastat return.
Why is Intrastat important?
How returning complete, accurate and timely Intrastat data can benefit your business.
Penalties for late or inaccurate Supplementary Declarations
Penalties incurred for failing to return complete, accurate and timely Intrastat Supplementary Declarations.
Identifying poorly ventilated areas and using CO2 monitors
How to use a health and safety risk assessment to identify poorly ventilated areas and how to use a CO2 monitor in the workplace.
Ventilation: Assessment of fresh air in the workplace
How to assess that there is an adequate supply of fresh air in any workspace.
How to improve mechanical ventilation - including air conditioning
How you can use mechanical ventilation such as air conditioning to improve the supply of fresh air in the workplace.
Ventilation in vehicles used for work purposes
Advising staff on how to ensure there is adequate ventilation in vehicles used for work purposes.
Balancing ventilation with keeping people warm at work
Simple steps you can take to ensure the workplace is adequately ventilated without being too cold
Improving natural ventilation
How you can improve the natural ventilation in your workplace using windows, air vents and doors.
Air cleaning and filtration units
How to use local air cleaning and filtration units to reduce airborne transmission of aerosols where it is not possible to maintain adequate ventilation.
Health and safety made simple
How to meet all of your business' basic health and safety requirements
Ventilation and air conditioning in the workplace
How businesses can take steps to maintain a good level of ventilation in the workplace.
Digging up invasive plants
How to effectively and legally remove different types of invasive plants by digging them up and good practice tips.
Spraying invasive plants with herbicide
How to use herbicide safely, effectively and legally to treat invasive plants on your land or around business premises.
Identifying invasive plants
How to identify the most common invasive plants around your premises or land in order to find the right solution.
Handling and working with invasive plants
How to safely handle and work with invasive plants in your business, and measures to protect other people.
How invasive plants spread
Guidance to understand specific ways in which different invasive plants can spread and multiply, and how to stop them.
Cutting and burning invasive plants
How to safely and legally cut down and burn invasive plants to control and remove them in your business.
Your legal responsibilities for invasive plants and noxious weeds
What your business needs to do if you have invasive plants or noxious weeds on your business property.
Japanese knotweed, giant hogweed and other invasive plants
Environmental guidance on invasive non-native plants, the problems they can cause and what you need to do.