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Secondary containment systems for bulk chemical stores
How to use secondary containment systems such as bunds to contain leaks and spills, and prevent pollution incidents.
Temperature-controlled chemical stores
How to store heat-sensitive chemicals to ensure they are safe, and good practice for maintaining fridges and freezers.
Chemical labelling and information
How to use a safety data sheet to understand how to handle, store and dispose of chemicals in your business.
REACH and storing chemicals
How the REACH Regulation may affect your business, and why you should keep records of chemicals that you use.
Storing chemicals
How you should store chemicals on your business premises and sites in order to prevent pollution and avoid prosecution.
Prepare to write a site waste management plan
Deciding who will write your site waste management plan, their role and who else should be involved.
What a site waste management plan should contain
What information needs to be included in your site waste management plan for your construction site.
Identify construction waste and consider how to manage it
How estimating the types and amounts of waste on your building site will help you plan how to manage it.
Review and learn from your site waste management plan
The importance of reviewing a site waste management plan regularly to ensure it is working effectively.
What is a site waste management plan?
The different types of site waste management plan and the types of construction project they are most appropriate for.
Paper manufacturing and water and sewer discharge
Preventing water pollution from paper and cardboard production, and authorisations needed for discharges to water.
Paper manufacturing and land contamination
Dealing with land pollution at paper and cardboard sites, and how you can avoid causing land contamination.
Paper manufacturing site pollution incident prevention
Types of pollution incidents from paper and cardboard production, and how you can prepare for and deal with them.
Introduction to site waste management plans
How to prepare a site waste management plan in your business and how to implement it on your construction site.
Tourist accommodation: responsibility for guest's belongings and luggage
Your responsibilities for safekeeping, and your rights to retain, your guest's belongings.
Tourist accommodation: reselling electricity, gas and utilities
The rules for reselling gas and electricity, charging for telephone calls and providing water from private supply.
Keeping a guest register in your tourist accommodation business
Why you must keep a guest register if you run a hotel, bed and breakfast, hostel or any other accommodation business, and what you need to record in it.
Data protection in tourism businesses
All tourist accommodation businesses must keep a guest register – be aware of your responsibilities to keep this data secure.
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
Requirements for businesses under ADR on classifying, packaging, labelling and certifying dangerous goods.
The dangerous goods vehicle approval certificate
How to certify vehicles for transporting explosives or dangerous goods to or within certain ADR signatory countries.