How business rates valuations are calculated

Business rates: appealing your valuation


When Land & Property Services (LPS) values your property you will receive a Certificate of Valuation showing the capital valuation. If you think the valuation is incorrect, you can appeal this to the Commissioner of Valuation within 28 days.

Appeal your rating valuation

To appeal your valuation you must complete the CR20 valuation appeal form and return it to the Commissioner of Valuation.

Download the LPS CR20 valuation appeal form (PDF, 190K).

Further appeals

If you remain dissatisfied with the Commissioner's decision, you can appeal your rating valuation to the Northern Ireland Valuation Tribunal(link is external) - domestic or mixed properties where the Net Annual Value (NAV) is less than £12,500 - or the Lands Tribunal for Northern Ireland(link is external) for all other non-domestic properties.

You should be aware that you must still pay your business rates while you are waiting for a decision and if your appeal is successful LPS will refund any amount overpaid, along with interest, if applicable.

Seeking independent advice and the NAV

During any discussion with LPS about your business property's NAV, you do not need to have independent representation.

However, if you or your company wish to be represented or seek independent advice, members of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)(link is external) and the Institute of Revenues, Rating, and Valuation (IRRV)(link is external) are qualified and regulated by rules of professional conduct.

Before employing a rating adviser, you should check that they have:

  • the necessary knowledge and expertise
  • appropriate indemnity insurance

Be careful about paying consultants up front either for their services or for them to lodge appeals on your behalf. If you are unsure you should seek further guidance from the RICS or IRRV before entering into any contract.

Queries on your business rates

If you have a query regarding your business rates you should contact Land & Property Services(link is external).