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Preparing for an induction
Prepare induction checklists, inform key workers, and ensure newcomers feel welcome.
Poultry meat processing water efficiency
How to reduce water and liquid waste costs for poultry meat processing businesses.
Red meat abattoir water efficiency
Cost-effective ways for red meat abattoirs to reduce water and liquid waste expenses.
Fish processing water efficiency
Tips for reducing water and liquid waste costs in fish processing businesses.
Brewery water efficiency
How to optimise water use and reduce liquid waste costs in brewery operations.
Advantages and disadvantages of pay-rate systems
Advantages and disadvantages of the various pay-rate systems and finding the most suitable one for your business.
Making a job offer to the successful candidate
Unconditional job offers and what to do if the offer is subject to the candidate meeting certain conditions.
Induction programme: what to include
Sort out bank details and health and safety information, confirm terms and conditions, and introduce staff.
Setting up a new pay-rate system
What to consider when setting up or changing a pay-rate system.
Tailoring the induction to the worker
Alter your induction programme to suit the needs of different sorts of workers.
New starter pack for staff
What a new starter pack should contain, including documents such as a staff handbook or organisational chart.
Making pay comparisons
Make pay comparisons with other businesses to ensure your pay rates are competitive.
Set the right pay rates
This guide covers what to consider when setting pay rates and describes the different systems and schemes.
Commission, bonuses, tips and gratuities
Dealing with commission, tips, gratuities, and bonus payments.
Advantages of reviewing pay rates and systems
Regularly reviewing the effectiveness and fairness of pay rates and systems can benefit your business.
Inducting new employees - Granville Ecopark Limited
How the Dungannon-based business welcomes new staff through induction and training programmes.
Set up employment policies for your business
Guidance on which policies should be put in place to meet your legal requirements and your business needs.
Employment policies: what types should I use?
A list of the common types of employment policies that employers can set up.
Equality and diversity workplace policies
How promoting equality and diversity policies can benefit your business and create an open, communicative workplace.
Health and safety workplace policies
Legal obligations and best practices when writing health and safety policies.