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Business mentoring in Northern Ireland
Information on organisations that provide mentoring opportunities for local businesses in Northern Ireland.
Facebook advertising
How to use Facebook’s advertising platform to reach your specific target audience and achieve business goals - sales, sign-ups, awareness and engagement
Make your business more sustainable
How focusing on environmental, social and financial aspects of your business can lead to a more sustainable approach.
Manufacturing explosives
Explosives manufacturing is a hazardous business activity with specific regulations and licence requirements.
Printing business waste reduction
How printing businesses can reduce their waste and ways to deal effectively with the waste they do produce.
Explosives manufacturing and storage site safety and security
Guidance on separation distances, disposal rules and how to limit access to explosives to only authorised persons.
Exporting and importing
Free business guidance on exporting and importing, accessing new markets and getting the right export support in Northern Ireland
Do I need a licence to manufacture explosives?
The types of explosives manufacturing activities which require a licence and those activities which don’t.
Safety requirements when manufacturing explosives
A detailed overview of your health and safety responsibilities when manufacturing and storing explosives.
How to get an explosives licence or registration
Different types of explosives manufacturing and storage licences and registration and where to obtain them.
Do I need a licence to store explosives?
If your manufacturing business also stores explosives during the manufacturing process you will need a licence.
Types of explosives and explosive substances
The different types of explosives which you need a licence to manufacture and types of substances which are exempt.
Moving F gas between Great Britain and Northern Ireland
What you need to do to trade fluorinated gases between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland.
Reduce waste during production and finishing in your printing business
How printing businesses can work to reduce unnecessary waste during the production and finishing processes.
Planning, buying and stocking substrate for your printing business
Buying and stocking procedures can help printing businesses to reduce waste substrate and cut costs.
Climate friendly alternatives to F gases
Alternatives to fluorinated gases which you can use in your business that can lower your impact on the environment.
Paper and substrate choices for your printing business
How choosing the right substrate can affect the costs and environmental impacts of printing businesses.
Printing business packaging waste reduction
How printing businesses can reduce waste from packaging coming onto their site and going out to clients.
Printing business marketing waste reduction
Businesses producing direct mail material should follow the Direct Marketing Association code of practice.
Substrate waste in your printing business
The main causes of wasted substrate and how printing businesses can assess how much waste substrate is costing.