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UnLtd Awards for social entrepreneurs
UnLtd offer funding to support social entrepreneurs and social ventures in starting and scaling their businesses.
Enterprise Northern Ireland Start Up Loans
Start or grow your business with the support and funding from Start Up Loans.
Apply for action to protect your intellectual property rights
Apply for protection against infringements of intellectual property rights on imports into and exports out of the UK.
International EU protected designs
Guidance on the changes for businesses and holders of international EU protected designs
Protecting copyright in the UK and EU
Guidance on UK and EU copyright protection for right holders and users including business, cultural heritage institutions and consumers
Retaining protection in the UK for EU intellectual property rights
Information on retaining protection in the UK for EU Trade Marks, Registered Community Designs and International Registrations designating the EU
Sui generis database rights
Protection in the EU for databases produced in the UK
Use of satellite decoder cards intended for EU audiences
Customers must no longer access programmes via EU satellite broadcasting services to avoid a charge for a UK service
Orphan works and cultural heritage institutions
Guidance on options for making orphan works available online for cultural heritage institutions
The Marrakesh Treaty
The Marrakesh Treaty is an international legal instrument which makes it easier for blind, visually impaired and print disabled people to access works protected by copyright
Running a pension scheme
How to open or close a registered pension scheme, employer contributions, and trustee responsibilities.
Responsibilities of trustees of occupational pension schemes
The role of trustees in the day-to-day running of final-salary pension schemes.
Employer-sponsored pension schemes
Providing access to an employer-sponsored pension scheme and the types of schemes available.
Responsibilities of employers for workplace pensions
Responsibilities of employers for workplace pensions when making deductions and payments and for informing and consulting members.
Personal and stakeholder pension schemes
Running personal and stakeholder pension schemes.
Regulation of workplace pension schemes
The role, responsibilities, and powers of the Pensions Regulator and the Financial Conduct Authority for workplace pensions.
Tax advantages of pension schemes
Understand the tax benefits of contributing to a pension scheme for employers and employees.
Promoting stakeholder and group personal pensions to employees
Ways employers can promote their schemes without infringing financial regulations.
Best practice checklist for workplace pensions
A checklist of good practice principles when choosing and running a workplace pension scheme.
Buying or selling a business with a pension scheme
Your responsibilities when buying or selling a business with a pension scheme.