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Limiting the use of successive fixed-term employment contracts
When renewed fixed-term employment contracts become permanent.
Informing fixed-term employees about permanent vacancies
Fulfil your legal obligations to fixed-term employees when permanent positions arise.
Recruiting new staff and other alternatives
Consider if you need more staff and what alternatives there are to taking on new staff.
Help with recruiting staff
Practical help for employers to recruit staff in Northern Ireland.
Recruiting staff
Consider why you need more staff and how you can recruit the ones that best meet your needs.
Recruiting staff: your options
Recruiting options for employers taking on new staff.
Exporting to Great Britain
What you need to know about exporting to Great Britain, and how you can get help targeting this market.
Exporting to Australia
What you need to know about exporting to Australia, and how you can get help targeting this market.
Competing fairly
How to ensure your business complies with competition law.
Recruiting staff on fixed-term employment contracts
Advantages and disadvantages of using fixed-term employment contracts when recruiting new staff.
Recruiting full-time or part-time employees
Employer responsibilities to full-time and part-time employees.
Exporting to New Zealand
What you need to know about exporting to New Zealand, and how you can get help targeting this market.
Recruiting agency workers
Information about the employment rules and regulations related to using agency workers.
Report a business cartel
How to notify the Competition and Markets Authority of cartel activity such as price fixing, bid-rigging, output restrictions or sharing markets
What is a cartel?
An overview of how a cartel is defined by law and the penalties you and your business could face if it trades in one
Price-fixing and other anti-competitive agreements
The law relating to price fixing and other agreements between businesses to restrict competition
Recruiting freelancers and outside contractors
Consider whether your business would benefit from the use of freelancers and outside contractors.
Zero-hours contracts
Description of zero-hours contracts and employer responsibilities relating to them.
Exporting to the USA
What you need to know about exporting to the USA, and how you can get help targeting this market.
Competition law
Understand how the Competition Act 1998 and the Enterprise Act 2002 affect your business