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Direct marketing
How to use direct marketing to communicate your sales message to your customers.
Maternity leave and pay
The statutory rights to leave and pay when an employee has a baby.
Advantages and disadvantages of direct marketing
The pros and cons of using direct marketing tactics such as telemarketing, email marketing and direct mail to reach your audience and generate sales.
Notification and confirmation of maternity leave
Employee and employer obligations regarding maternity leave notification.
Setting sales activity targets
Sales activity targets including phone contacts, meetings, lead generation and managing prospects.
Why use direct marketing?
Discover how direct marketing can help your business, allow you to focus on specific target markets, measure success, build relationships and gain new business.
The right to maternity leave
Who qualifies for statutory maternity leave and how employers may offer enhanced leave rights.
The SWEF Enterprise Fund
Young people in Northern Ireland can receive a grant up of to £2,000 to develop their business idea.
Maternity leave and protection against detriment or dismissal
You must not unfairly treat or dismiss employees because they are taking, took, or sought to take statutory maternity leave.
Changing a return date after maternity leave
Notification from employees regarding changes to their return date, or if they don't intend to return to work at all.
Holiday and pensions during maternity leave
An employee's contractual benefits during maternity leave.
Terms and conditions during maternity leave
Certain terms and conditions continue to apply during statutory maternity leave.
Contact and work during maternity leave
You can keep in contact with an employee during maternity leave and she may work up to ten keeping-in-touch days.
Returning to work from maternity leave
The automatic right to return to the same job depends on whether the employee is returning from ordinary maternity leave or additional maternity leave.
When maternity leave can begin
Beginning maternity leave and reasons why the start date may need to be changed.
Types of direct marketing
Types of direct marketing tactics available to businesses including; direct mail, leaflet drops, handouts, email marketing, telemarketing and SMS marketing.
Good jobs employment rights bill consultation
Have your say on proposals to strengthen employment rights legislation to help deliver 'good jobs' in Northern Ireland.
How to start your business in Derry City and Strabane
Start-up support for entrepreneurs in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.
Ten things you need to know about your customers
Ten things you need to know about your customers to enable you to sell more products, more efficiently – consider who they are, what they do and why they buy.
What do you know about your customers?
Understanding your customers can help you improve your sales and marketing and offer them what they really want, ask questions like who, what, why and how.