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Write a business plan: step-by-step
A guide on the essential role that creating and using a business plan plays in starting your new business.
Ten steps to a successful start-up
Thinking of starting a business but don’t know where to begin? Follow our ten step guide to a successful start-up
Business support in Northern Ireland
Business support, advice and professional services available for new businesses and those expanding in Northern Ireland
Should I grow my business?
Understand the different types of business growth and common pitfalls, and find advice to help you decide when and how to grow your business.
Prepare a business plan for growth
How to plan for business growth, what to include in your business growth plan and why you should regularly review it.
Grow your business successfully
How to identify and overcome the challenges and the pitfalls that you may encounter while growing your business
Top tips to prepare your business for growth
Practical suggestions to help you maximise your business potential and plan an effective and sustainable growth strategy.
Women in Business Awards 2024
Entrepreneurial and inspiring businesswomen throughout Northern Ireland are invited to apply for the 2024 awards.
Employees joining, leaving or changing their circumstances
Inform HMRC about employee changes in circumstances including tax codes, employee leaves or dies, gender change and reaching pension age.
Expenses and benefits
Expenses and benefits for employers, company cars, fuel rates, non-taxable expenses and paying expenses through payroll.
Importing goods and services and VAT
Understand your VAT obligations when importing goods or services
Environmental tax obligations and breaks
Aggregates levy, climate change levy, landfill tax, land remediation relief, and vehicle and fuel duties.
Advantages of business continuity planning
Benefits of business continuity planning and its role in helping your business cope with possible disasters.
Minimise the potential impact of crises
How to reduce potential threats to your business by taking preventive measures and purchasing insurance.
Test your business continuity plan
How to test a business continuity plan to find out if it will work to protect your business when disaster strikes.
Create a business continuity plan
How to write a business continuity plan, what to include and why should you carry out business continuity planning.
Business impact analysis
Understand the importance of analysing the likelihood and the effects of a crisis on your business.
Staff records
Legal obligations for employers when gathering, keeping and using information on workers.
General Betting Duty, Pool Betting Duty and Remote Gaming Duty
Find out if you have to pay - the rates, when to register, how to fill in returns and make payments and anything else you might need to do.
Fuel Duty: moving and storing goods
Requirements for moving and storing goods and fuel duty