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Dismissal before or after a business transfer
Continuity of employment, dismissals, and the ETO defence for a business transfer.
Transporting your goods
Find out the transport options for moving your goods
Transfers of insolvent businesses
What happens in situations where employees are being transferred as part of an insolvent business.
Make deduction from earnings order (DEO) payments
How and when employers should make child maintenance payments to the Child Maintenance Service.
When you must contact the Child Maintenance Service
In which circumstances an employer must contact the Child Maintenance Service.
Updating your payment schedule
How to update your payment schedule when making child maintenance deductions from employee pay.
What counts as earnings
How CMS calculates earnings for the purposes of deduction from earnings orders.
Choose the right structure for your social enterprise
The various types of social enterprise and how you can set one up, with links to forms and further information
New VAT Registration Estimator tool
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) tool to estimate what registering for VAT may mean for your business.
The role of trade unions and their representatives
How employers can work with trade unions on collective bargaining, information and consultation, and attendance at disciplinary and grievance hearings.
Payment into trade union political funds
How you can help your workers make payments to their trade union’s political funds.
Advantages of trade union recognition
How a recognised union can advise employers and workers on key issues.
Paying trade union subscriptions
How you can help your workers make payments to their union via your payroll system.
Work effectively with trade unions
Employer guidance on trade unions including their roles, legal rights, effects, and benefits.
Winning new business top tips
Top tips for winning new business in Northern Ireland, from preparing your business for new opportunities to winning new business abroad.
Manage your customer service
Use customer contact, feedback, customer research, dealing properly with complaints and loyalty schemes to retain customers and increase your sales.
Dismissal due to illness
How to handle dismissing an employee due to long-term ill health.
Diversify your business
The risks and rewards of developing new products for new markets while trading.
Sell into new markets
How to break into new market share with clear goals, research, targeted marketing, and strategic partnerships.
The benefits of measuring your customer service performance
Use metrics to measure your customer service performance with a view to building on your successes.